Time-lapse photography is a technique that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It involves capturing a sequence of photographs at regular intervals over a period of time and then stitching them together to create a video. The resulting video showcases the changes that occur over time in a condensed format, highlighting changes that occur too slowly for the naked eye to perceive.
Time-lapse photography has been used for a wide variety of purposes, from documenting construction projects to capturing the growth of plants. One of the most common uses for time-lapse photography is to capture the changing of seasons. By taking photographs at regular intervals over several months or even a year, photographers can create a video that shows how the landscape changes as summer turns to fall and winter turns to spring.

Another common use for time-lapse photography is to capture the motion of the sun as it moves across the sky. By taking photographs at regular intervals throughout the day, photographers can create a video that shows the sun's path from sunrise to sunset. This technique has been used to create visually stunning videos that showcase the beauty of nature and the intricate movements of the heavens.
Time-lapse photography is also commonly used in the construction industry to document the building process. By taking photographs at regular intervals over the course of months or even years, construction companies can create a video that shows the entire building process from start to finish. This video can be used for marketing purposes or as a way to document the construction process for future reference.
In addition to these practical applications, time-lapse photography has also become an art form in and of itself. Many photographers use time-lapse techniques to create videos that showcase the beauty of the natural world or to highlight the energy and vibrancy of cities at night. These videos can be incredibly mesmerizing, and they provide a unique perspective on the passage of time.
Overall, time-lapse photography is a powerful tool that can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Whether it's used to document the building process, to capture the changing of seasons, or to showcase the beauty of the natural world, time-lapse photography provides a unique perspective on the passage of time and allows us to see the world in a whole new way.
Informative blog Andy, this is one technique I haven't tried yet and would like to use this for the cloud captures. I can imagine some really creative and arty videos made with time lapse.