How does it work?
On joining my programme you will receive a unique link which you can either pass on to others or put on your website, forum or blog. If a visitor comes onto my website store, through your link (either by typing it into the address bar on their browser or by clicking on it on your site) a ‘click’ will be registered to your account. If they then go on to buy, a ‘sale’ will be registered to your account. You will be able to create campaigns with links to different pages on my website store.
You will earn up to 30% commission for each successful sale through your link(s). Clicks and sales are tracked and recorded on your account using cookies, which remain on the visitor’s computer for 7 days. So if they do not buy on the first day, if they come back within the week, a sale will still be registered with you. Plus I have an "abandoned Cart" automated emails, to keep people interested and coming back if they leave the cart.
Commission payments are made every month manually by Andy, so make sure your PayPal account details are correct.
You will be able to check your account status and update your contact details or Paypal address with a login name and password.
Sign up and get started
To receive payment from the affiliate programme, you must have a Paypal account. If you don’t already have one, you can set up a PayPal account here.
Sign Up to my Affiliate Program HERE.
Log in to your new "Simply Affiliate" account and set up the payment details.
Use the "Link Generator" Tab (follow the instructions) to create custom page links to my products in the shop. CLICK HERE to see my current shop inventory.
Promote your links anywhere and everywhere you can.

This is your Affiliate Dashboard.
The Tracking Link you see is a test link (Do Not Use This Link - You Will Get Your Own)...
Enter your Payment details first, to make sure you get paid.
Then Use the Links Generator to get your links. you need to be specific with this and use the exact name of the product, as it is written on my website. Otherwise it won't work for you.
The tracking link you see here directs you to my Home Page, which isn't ideal. If you want a direct link to my shop page, with your tracking link on the end, just insert "/shop" into this url, before the "/?", like this:
Hint, your affiliate code (everything from the "/?"), can go at the end of any page url on my website, directing your potential leads to any page.
Some things to remember
Anything in my Downloads section is a 30% commission to you.
Anything from my Landscape Academy is a 15% commission to you. E.g. At £460 (Full Price for my top Academy, the commision to you would be £69 per sign up. I do a lot of promotions, so the sale price may vary and your commission is based on the final price paid by the user.
Commission is in GBP (British pounds).
Promote wiseley. Check my latest Blog for details on 11 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer.
My workshops (Events) and the Academy Monthly Plans are NOT included in the affiliate program.
Some helpful Banners
Here is a banner you can download and use to promote the shop. If you want an exclusive further discount on the Landscape Academy (to get more leads), Contact Me and I'll send you a coupon code to add to your adverts.
Add your affiliate code (everything from the "/?" onwards), to the link(s) below each image.